3 shots Tennyson absinthe
1 shot Bulldog gin
3 tablespoons Royal Rose Rose Syrup
8 drops Bitter End Thai bitters
Polar Seltzer Mint Mojito seltzer water
fresh mint
In a cocktail shaker, add ice, absinthe & gin, bitters, and syrup. Shake until the shaker frosts over. Pour into short rocks glasses and top with seltzer. Garnish with mint and a slice of citrus. (by Warren Bobrow)
1 shot Bulldog gin
3 tablespoons Royal Rose Rose Syrup
8 drops Bitter End Thai bitters
Polar Seltzer Mint Mojito seltzer water
fresh mint
In a cocktail shaker, add ice, absinthe & gin, bitters, and syrup. Shake until the shaker frosts over. Pour into short rocks glasses and top with seltzer. Garnish with mint and a slice of citrus. (by Warren Bobrow)